Choosing Between Takra and Dahi
Thousands of years ago, ancient India knew the value of prebiotics and probiotics and promoted takra (buttermilk) instead of dahi (yogurt/curd) Good digestion is one of the most valued assets …
Thousands of years ago, ancient India knew the value of prebiotics and probiotics and promoted takra (buttermilk) instead of dahi (yogurt/curd) Good digestion is one of the most valued assets …
At the entrance of the grounds of the Hindu mandir, a group of trees commonly greets us. They are often considered holy, and their leaves and parts are used in …
Bhojanakutuhala, the ancient ayurvedic cookbook from the 17th century CE, classifies hingu in the primary blend of spices used for tempering oil (chownk) known as the sambhara/veshavara group. Combinations in …
Narikelodaka is the udaka or water of the green coconut, known in south India as tender coconut water In a world full of carbonated drinks, be a sweet narikelodaka. Narikelodaka …
A Red List of 560 plant species of India was created by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, to identify priorities for preservation, of which 247 species are in …
Dhaanya or coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is used widely in every corner of India. Known as dhaanyaka in Sanskrit, it is also known as Chinese parsley, as cilantro in the USA, …
Lemon was placed in the phala-varga, the fruit family, by both ancient physicians Charaka and Sushruta, and both mention its abundant uses as both food and medicine, and catalyst in …
Adopting a routine of shifting the diet, activities and daily routine at the end of winter according to your body’s needs will allow it to enjoy and not suffer through …
When the heat of summer approaches, the ancient texts of Ayurveda advise us to partake in sweet cooling drinks. Many pānaka are described in the pākaśāstra, texts of Ayurveda devoted …
One of the coveted substances in India, similar to an old bottle of wine or whisky in the West, is an old bottle of pure cow ghee. Puraana ghrita is …
The skin eats too, so start in your kitchen for your beauty routine. Āyurveda’s simple logic, unencumbered by marketing dollars to propagate its messages, looks at the biology and chemistry …
Ayurveda understood the importance of herbs that could affect the liver function due to its importance in filtering the blood, monitoring sugar, proteins and haemoglobin, and pull out floating cancer …
When gaughrita is accompanied by specific herbs that are medhya or nourishing of the thinking mind, ghee’s effects are amplified. Ghee can treat disorders and injuries of the head, brain …
All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) Announces Master Chef Competition to Promote AYUSH Ethos for Food to be held in Gandhinagar on April 22. The last date for filling the …
The acharyas (wisemen) of Ayurveda deciphered life’s complexities, tested their theories for validity, and then disseminated that verified knowledge in the Samhitas. For these renowned seers, cow ghee also known …