
The Elimination Pancake: Aragvadha

Āragvadha (Cassia fistula), is a very popular plant growing both in the wilderness and chosen for gardens in India, due to its natural beauty but also with its importance for …


Nectar of Dadhi

Commonly found in every corner of India, dahi – or “doi” in Bengali, dadhi in Sanskrit, yogurt in America and curd in Europe — is revered for its many qualities …

moringa vegetable with fresh leaves

Where Did You Put Your Drumsticks?

Moringa, known as drumsticks in the kitchen and shigru in the pharmacy, is one of the superfoods of today’s planet. In fact, national armies stock moringa powder in the emergency …

Pickled Red Onion

Medicinal Uses of Onion

Onions are an amazing substance. This underground bulbous extension of a plant stem is found around the world. It has been used both as a vegetable and as a spice. …