A Savoury in the Pandemic

Covid patients have sensory dysfunction and a profound weakness. The aroma of food is usually the first step in initiating the gut into a complex metabolic process of digestion A …

cow ghee

The Nerve of Ghee

When gaughrita is accompanied by specific herbs that are medhya or nourishing of the thinking mind, ghee’s effects are amplified. Ghee can treat disorders and injuries of the head, brain …

ghee cow istock

Gau Ghrita: An Elixir of Life

Ayurveda has consistently for thousands of years promoted the use of gau ghrita (cow ghee) according to individual needs and their ability to digest it for a variety of reasons …

desi ghee

The Secret Gifts of Ghrita

The acharyas (wisemen) of Ayurveda deciphered life’s complexities, tested their theories for validity, and then disseminated that verified knowledge in the Samhitas. For these renowned seers, cow ghee also known …